Return-To-Play Guidelines

Return-To-Play Guidelines

DC Way will undergo a phased approach for resuming organized youth soccer. These guidelines will serve as a starting point and framework for our program to use as DC starts to reopen. By the Governors and County Executive’s order, we are still limited to what we are able to do. As COVID-19 restrictions continue, additional restrictions may be in place from surrounding jurisdictions. DC Way will adhere to all Federal, State, and Local guidelines and requirements.

The health and safety of our community are of utmost importance to DC Way. This document will provide our community (athletes, parents, and coaches) with information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) our affiliate, Maryland State Youth Soccer Association. Since the circumstances, knowledge, and situation of COVID-19 are always changing, this phased approach will not always be linear. Instances may happen where phases will have to be repeated with the review of the ongoing situation and environment.

Young and healthy people may be subject to less severe cases of COVID-19, but every case of this disease is potentially life-altering or deadly, particularly in those with risk factors that may occur within our community.

 The following are guidelines for DC Way’s RTP that will be in phases aimed to help keep all participants in our community safe.

Regardless of the RTP phase in DC/MD, the following will be applied:

  1. First and foremost, if you are sick or feel sick, STAY HOME.

  2. If you have a sick family member at home, STAY HOME.

  3. You will only be able to participate in our program if you have had no signs or symptoms of COVID-19, no signs or symptoms that may have been COVID-19, and have not been exposed to someone who has had signs or symptoms of COVID-19 for a minimum period of 14 days before participation.

  4. Youth or adult, at-risk individuals need to STAY HOME. If you are unsure if you are considered at risk, please consult your medical provider directly.

  5. Temperatures of coaches and participants will be taken. Anyone who has a temperature of 100 or more will be sent home and will not be allowed to participate for a minimum of 14 days.

  6. Throughout all phases, each player will be assigned a “station” where they will place their equipment, and that they will return to during breaks. The assigned space will allow for adequate distance per State guidelines.

  7. During Phases I-III, each player must utilize their own equipment, including a soccer ball. Shared soccer balls are allowed during Phase IV-V, but must be disinfected after each session as well as during when possible.

  8. In ALL phases, no one is to share water, towels, or any personal equipment. This includes, but is not limited to:

    i. Shin guards, tape, hairbands

    ii. Jersey/uniform/jackets

    iii. Pinnies or bibs of any kind

    a. Players may be assigned a pinnie to take home and care for OR

    b. We will ask that each player brings/wears their own alternative color shirt.

  9. There will be no centralized hydrations or refreshment stations.

  10. During Phases I-III, there will be no spectators at practice/events. During Phase IV-V, spectators will be limited and will be required to maintain maximum social distancing. At-risk populations will not be allowed.

  11. There will be hand sanitizing options available, which will include but will not be limited to:

    i. Hand sanitizer

    ii. Disinfectant wipes

  12. Members will respect each individual’s choice. If a participant wishes to wear a face mask, they will be allowed to do so, and accommodations will be made if needed.

    i. Staff members will wear face masks whenever possible.

    ii. Players are encouraged to wear a face mask or cloth when they arrive to practice as well as when they leave.

    iii. Masks may be removed during play.

  13. If at any phase you test positive for COVID-19, please contact our Business Administrator, Calvin Stinson AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. He is available by phone (301-758-9150) or by email at DC Way has in place a strategy to notify our community while maintaining confidentiality.

As stated earlier, phases may not always proceed linearly but rather a step backward in phases may be required following continuous monitoring of the ongoing conditions and environment. The following phase breakdowns are tied directly to the stages and sub-stages of the ‘Maryland Road to Recovery’ (MRTR) and additional directives from the Governor of MD and other local authorities:

PHASE I (Pre-MRTR Stage 1 Low Risk, virtual coaching, and 1 on 1 training):

  1. Individual training sessions in your home/residence using your own equipment.

  2. Most sessions will be conducted virtually.

  3. 1 on 1 training will follow all guidelines in this document, although they are not sanctioned by MYSYA or US Youth Soccer.

PHASE II (MRTR Stage 1 Low Risk, individual training group sizes of 10 or less):

  1. This phase will be focused on RTP with individual training (one player, one ball) within small groups.

  2. Training sessions will consist of individual training and no group drills.

    1. MAXIMUM of two coaches/staff allowed per half field during practices

      i. A volunteer parent is recommended to assist with maintaining these guidelines if the team does not have a second coach (especially with younger teams)

    2. No more than 8 players to be present at a scheduled time (group size of 10 or less, 2 staff)

    3. NO physical contact should occur

    4. Groups on a half field should not exceed 10 people

    5. NO sharing of water or equipment, including soccer balls

      i. Only the coach will handle cones

    6. Each player and coach should sanitize ALL gear between each training session

    7. Participants are to remain a minimum of 10 feet apart

      i. This includes on and off the field (as much as possible)

      ii. Designated areas for each participant’s gear will be clearly marked off the field, and will be more than 6 feet apart

      iii. While the CDC and other authorities recommend 6 feet for social distancing purposes, due to the nature of physical activity and sports, we will increase this distance for soccer to 10 feet

    8. Practice times will be set to maximize social distancing to include ‘turnover’ time between different teams, in which staff will sanitize all equipment

    9. No spectators are allowed

      i. Parents/guardians will be asked to wait in their car for picking and dropping their child(ren) off. Should a parent/guardian have to come to the field, they must maintain minimum social distancing, as defined by the CDC