Recreational Programs

Recreational Soccer

DC Way is a Capitol Hill-based recreational soccer club dedicated to providing an interactive and friendly environment for all children while teaching vital leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship skills. DC Way's mission is to help develop the game of soccer in the DC area and bring opportunities to all kids to play and enjoy the amazing game of soccer. We want to develop bright young athletes and help kids be active and play, all at an affordable cost.

Through fun and simplified activities, we are teaching skills that are vital on and off the field. Our goal is to develop the physical, mental, and technical skills of every child.



Our coaches make us different. We put all of our resources into supporting our coaches in order to make sure that they are properly trained and properly equipped. We work hard at making sure the quality of each class is up to our high standards.

Our culture makes us different. At DC Way we do not view this as a job but as our mission and passion. Sportsmanship is a priority at our club. We always put our players first and create a positive learning experience to get the most out of each class.

Our training curriculum makes us different. We offer a new topic, skill set, and life lesson in each class to build a foundation for our players to continually progress as both soccer players and people. Our programs use fun and simple games that are designed to focus on fundamentals, bringing out the best in both the beginner and the veteran soccer player.