COVID-19 Safety Measures
Keeping You Safe During COVID-19
We would like to personally thank each and every one of you for trusting and supporting us. Our players’ safety has always been our top priority. Therefore, we will continue to treat every player with universal precautions and are taking extra measures to keep your children and your family safe.
Throughout this period, we have been training our employees about the new procedures to better serve you and your children. We have also implemented numerous new frameworks, equipment, and arrangements to advance our best practices to the correct levels to battle the coronavirus.
We are following the DCPS’s safety guidelines (www.dcpsreopenstrong.com/) to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all of our players.
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What we are doing to keep you safe
We’d like to reassure you that our team continues to be committed to your child’s health and well-being. We follow all recommendations made by the DCPS’s safety guidelines. Our team is staying up-to-date on any new guidance to ensure our procedures are current. All things considered, we’re implementing extra precautions to exceed all mandated safety procedures, including:
DC Way Academy follows DCPS mask policies. To learn more about DCPS policies, please click here.
Each player should bring their own equipment such as a water bottle, hand sanitizer, and other belongings.
Sharing any equipment, water, or food will not be allowed.
We clean and disinfect frequently touched sports equipment and surfaces after each session.
Medical Clearance
As a club, we are following DCPS guidelines (click here to learn more). The isolation (should you test positive) and quarantine (should you be determined a close contact) time periods are now adjusted. DCPS will now no longer require a negative COVID-19 test to return to practices on day 5 after someone tests positive. Please refer to the information below for the latest DC Health guidance.
If a player tested positive for COVID-19 and has mild or no symptoms, they should begin to isolate themself for at least 5 days. Players can return to practices beginning on day 6, IF they have been fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication and symptoms are improving. Players MUST wear a mask while at practice until day 10 from their positive test result or when symptoms began, whichever is earlier.
If a player tested positive for COVID-19 and has moderate symptoms (if you experienced shortness of breath or had difficulty breathing) or has severe illness (you were hospitalized) or is immunocompromised, they should begin to isolate for at least 10 days. Players may return to practices after day 10, IF they have been fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication and symptoms are improving.
If a player was identified as a close contact of an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, no quarantine is required. Players are encouraged to wear a mask at practices until day 10 from their exposure.
Advise your instructor, club, or coach if any possible exposures have occurred in your team, training, or club environment. Parents (and not the minor player) should communicate with the club or coach. Please click here to learn more about DCPS guidelines.
Thank you for your trust!
On behalf of the entire DC Way Academy team, thank you for your loyalty and patience. Our team is looking forward to providing you and your children with the best professional soccer experience in all of Capitol Hill! If you have specific questions not addressed here or on our website, please feel free to reach out to us at contact@dcwayacademy.org.