
DCWA Scholarships


Soccer can be an expensive sport to participate in, especially for families with multiple children playing and for those on competitive travel teams. The DC Way Academy Soccer Club has the DCWA Financial Aid Program (DCWA's FUND) in place to help families in need meet the costs of playing soccer and give children an opportunity to play the sport they love. 

DCWA’s FUND is a financial aid scholarship — awards are needs-based, per total family income. Additional hardship and merits are considered for the scholarship:

  • Recent hospitalization or major illness of primary wage earner

  • Player performance/potential

  • Years with club

Assistance is available for youth players of all ages. We encourage all families who feel they need some assistance with soccer costs to apply.


Great talent comes from all backgrounds. Through the generous support of DC Way Academy Soccer Club members, local individuals, families, and businesses, the scholarship program provides need-based financial aid to ensure talented young players can access the DC Way Academy's training, coaching, and competition for life-changing soccer development and success. 

All contributions will only be used for financial aid grants to qualified families. You can help break down economic barriers to making youth soccer affordable for all players and families. Even if you cannot support us at this time, take some time to see if your employer has a local community sponsorship/support program where they may be able to help us reach our goal. You can either donate online or write a check to help our athletes. 


Please make checks payable to ________.

Our federal taxpayer ID: ________. 

Your canceled check will serve as your receipt. If you need something additional for tax purposes please let us know and we will provide you with a letter acknowledging your donation.

DC Way Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Through the generous support of donors like you, DC Way Academy will be able to provide need-based financial aid to boys and girls during the 2020-21 season. Join us today and directly impact the future of soccer through your gift to the DCWA’s FUND! Your gift will enable a talented young player to access the training, coaching, and competition he or she needs for success. Show your support and change a player's life!


DC Way Academy selects scholarship recipients using an application process that takes many factors into consideration, including but not limited to family income and player performance. Scholarships are available to full-time players only.

Applicants are required to complete an online application which includes providing a Federal Tax Return and other financial information. All information submitted is confidential and used for the sole purpose of determining the Applicant's ability to participate in the DCWA’s FUND. Failure to submit required information or submitting an incomplete application will affect the applicant's eligibility.

Below you will see the process for applying for Financial Aid, as well as the deadlines associated with the scholarship. All DC Way Academy scholarships are need-based. We will require financial information from both parents if appropriate and applicable. Parents and players earning scholarship funds are highly encouraged to volunteer at club activities to support their team.

All Financial Aid communication should go to

Anyone that joins the club mid-season and is interested in Financial Aid will need to reach out directly to the email above. We can’t guarantee that players who join mid-season will receive Financial Aid due to budget limitations.

Financial aid awards are applied towards season payment only. Uniform costs, tournament fees, or other expenses are not eligible. **Award approval does NOT provide full payment of a player’s season fees. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for the remaining balance.**

(Note: All applications are evaluated without regard to gender, race, color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.)


  • Application forms and financial need based on the last year’s tax returns 

  • The player’s account MUST not have any past due balances from either previous years or from the current year.

  • The number of children in that family who are in DCWA programs 

  • If the family is receiving public assistance/FARM lunch program from DCPS

  • Level of involvement of the applicant in youth soccer and loyalty to DCWA 

  • Level of involvement of applicant’s family in DCWA


  • DCWA Financial Assistance Application**

The application MUST be submitted with PROOF OF EARNINGS. Proof of earnings should include:

  • A current Free or Reduced Lunch Eligibility Letter

  • Federal 1040 Form with child listed as dependent or W2 forms for all members of your household

* For families with multiple children in DC Way Academy, only one copy of the Federal Income Tax Return and the FCTY Income and Employment Forms are required. 

 ** Complete a separate DCWA Financial Assistance Form for each player.


Applications must be completed using the “Apply Now” button above or below.

Families will not receive any information about their scholarship amount until after the scholarship closes.


All complete applications are processed in a timely fashion. Applicants who submit all their materials will be notified by email of their award no later than 10 business days. 

These notifications will include a scholarship award letter that must be signed and returned to Scholarship Program Coordinator. Scholarship awards do not go into effect until the signed award letter has been received by the scholarship coordinator. You will have one week to respond either with your acceptance of the scholarship or to respond with notice of your withdrawal from the financial aid program. When all the required information is received, the scholarship will be applied to your account.

(How Much Can Players Receive? We take a number of factors into consideration such as total annual income and number of dependents. All information included in the scholarship application will help us make an informed decision on how much to distribute to each applicant.)